General Information

Access Information

Please check Venue.

Registration Desk

August 26: from 17:00 to 20:00 on  6th floor in Koriyama Chamber of Commerce and Industry

August 27: from 8:30 to 18:00 on Foyer in Central Community Center (1st floor)

August 28: from 8:50 to 12:00 on Foyer in Central Community Center (1st floor)


Oral: "Tamokuteki Hall" in Central Community Center (1st floor)

Poster: City Public Hall


August 27: 2nd floor in Central Community Center

August 28 and 29: City Public Hall

Group Photo

City Public Hall

Floor Map

Central Community Center

City Public Hall

Access to Banquet on August 28, 19:00-

Venue is Koriyama View Hotel Annex (郡山ビューホテルアネックス, NOT Koriyama View Hotel).

NOTE: After excursion, bus takes you banquet place. Please check the following URL if you directly go to the banquet place. Venue

Receipt and Certificate of Attendance

Receipt and certificate of attendance will be sent to your email address. If you have any questions, please contact the registration desk.


Wi-Fi service will be available across the conference room. Instructions will be announced during the conference.

Smoking Area

Conference venue (Central Community Center / City Public Hall in Koriyama) is non-smoking. Smoking area is located in the venue of welcome reception and banquet.


Lunch and Coffee

Lunch will be served on August 27, 28, and 29. It will be organized Japanese Bento box style in 2nd floor in Central Community Center (August 27) or City Public Hall (August 28 and 29). Coffee and refreshments will be served at Foyer in Central Community Center on August 27.

Group Photo

Group photo of the participants will be taken at 12:30 on August 28 in City Public Hall.

Excursion: Ouchi-juku

Ouchi-juku is a former post town established around the 17th century and also registered as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings by the Japanese government. The streets lined with thatch-roofed houses are reminiscent of the Edo period (1603-1867), and displays showing the details of life in those times. down to the utensils and hearths help visitors imagine what life was like during its heyday. We will visit Ouchi-juku by charter bus from the conference venue.

Tour Guide




  • Bus for excursion departs at 13:00 on August 28, after group photo.
  • After excursion, bus takes you to banquet place.


We recommend “cool biz” clothes. “Cool biz” is a term made up from the words “cool” and “biz” (an abbreviation for business). We are recommended to reduce to use air conditioners in offices for energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction. However, the temperature and humidity will be very high in Koriyama during the conference. The solution is “cool biz”. We strongly recommend all the participants to remove your ties and jackets during the conference.

Also, banquet on August 28 does not have any dress code, since it is held after excursion of Ouchi-juku. Please enjoy excursion and banquet with casual clothes.