Invited Lectures (Last Update: August 1, 2024)

Plenary Lecture

Prof. Hiroshi Inomata (Tohoku University, Japan)

Role of phase rules in measuring and calculating high pressure phase equilibria

Keynote Lectures

Prof. Mark C. Thies (Clemson University, USA)

Aqueous renewable solvent phase behavior with lignin: purification and fractionation for applications

Prof. Jean-Noël Jaubert (Université de Lorraine, France)

How the synergy between quantum mechanics simulations, Monte Carlo simulations and an equation of state can be used to describe the behaviour of reacting binary mixtures in vapour-liquid equilibrium

Prof. Praveen Linga (National University of Singapore, Singapore) 

Clathrate hydrates: A cool way to store carbon dioxide permanently

Prof. Peter T. Cummings (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom)

Molecular simulation of supercapacitors

Prof. Ana Rita C. Duarte (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

The importance of the knowledge of physico-chemical properties of natural deep eutectic systems to boost industrial application

Prof. Cornelis J. Peters (Colorado School of Mines, USA)

Complex fluid phase behavior in binary and ternary systems, including the critical region

Prof. Georgios M. Kontogeorgis (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)

Recent advances in electrolyte and water thermodynamics

Prof. Clare McCabe (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom)

Computational screening for materials design

Dr. Kevin G. Joback (Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc., USA)

From molecules, to models, to better molecules

Prof. Tae Jun Yoon (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)

Measurement and Interpretation of specific Conductivity in NaCl (aq) and NdCl3 (aq) solutions from 298 to 625 K along 25 MPa

Prof. Ioannis G. Economou (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)

From atoms and molecules to materials: Design of novel membranes for gas separation

Invited Lectures

Prof. Katsuto Otake (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)

Measurements and correlation of Interfacial tension between CO2 and polymers

Prof. Yusuke Shimoyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Design of pharmaceutical cocrystal formation with operando measurement and molecular informatics

Prof. Toshitaka Funazukuri (Chuo University, Japan)

Measurement and correlation of binary diffusion coefficient of metal complexes in supercritical carbon dioxide

Dr. Takashi Makino (AIST, Japan)

Designing ionic liquid chemical absorbents for effective CO2 capture from low concentration sources

Prof. Hirohisa Uchida (Kanazawa University, Japan)

Effectiveness of new synthetic-static method using in-situ UV-visible spectroscopy for measuring low solubility of organic semiconductor materials in supercritical carbon dioxide