Instructions for Registration

The registration for MTMS '24 is managed through the Online Registration Form. The registration process consists of two stages:

  1. Registration of your information
  2. Payment of registration fees through PayPal

While the procedure is quite simple and thus we do not anticipate users running into trouble, we are happy to help if you encounter problems. In the event that you do need help, please contact the scientific secretary:

E-mail: at (Please change "at" to "@".)

1. Registration of your information

First, go to the Online Registration Form

Follow the on-screen instructions and fill out all of required information as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Registration of your information
Figure 1. Registration of your information

Select your registration fees as shown in Figure 2. You must select Registration Fee according to your registration type (General, Student, Accompanying person, or Invited).


For Invited speaker,  please select only "[Only Invited Speaker] Registration Fee (Invited)".

For Accompanying person, registration of her or him is needed separately.

Figure 2. Registration fees.
Figure 2. Registration fees.

Please answer the following questions as shown in Figure 3.

  • Q1: Will you be accompanied? If Yes in Q1, Full Name of Accompanying person (Registration of Accompanying person is needed separately)
  • Q2: Do you have special dietary requirements?
  • Q3: Will you attend welcome reception on August 26?
  • Q4: Will you attend excursion on August 28?
  • Q5: Will you take a lunch on August 27, 28, 29?
  • Q6: If you have any other requirements or comments (e.g., request for prayer room) in the participation, please comment them.
Figure 3. Questions.
Figure 3. Questions.

After checking your information carefully, please click "Submit" button as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. "Submit" button.
Figure 4. "Submit" button.

After completing your submission, it will automatically jump to PayPal payment page. as shown in Figure 5. Please check your total payment fees. If you have a PayPal account, please log in to your account. If not, you have to create your PayPal account.

Figure 5. PayPal payment page.
Figure 5. PayPal payment page.

There are two options for the login to your PayPal account.

  1. Log in with a one-time code to your mobile phone via SMS (Figure 7)
  2. Log in with your password (Figure 8)
Figure 6. Login options.
Figure 6. Login options.

Log in with a one-time code to your mobile phone via SMS (Figure 7)

Log in with your password (Figure 8)

Figure 8. Log in with your password.
Figure 8. Log in with your password.

After you can log in to your PayPal account, please check your payment fees and your card information. Then, please click "Agree and Pay"(Figure 9).

Figure 9. PayPal payment page.
Figure 9. PayPal payment page.

If you do not have a PayPal account, you have to create your PayPal account. Please click "Create an Account". Then, fill out your credit card information (Figure 10), and fill out your e-mail address, password, date of birth and nationality as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. PayPal payment page.
Figure 10. PayPal payment page.

After completing your payment, you can see the following screen (Figure 11). Please check your payment fees. Then, click "Return to Shopping Site". You can see the following Thank you Page (Figure 12).

Figure 11. Payment completion.
Figure 11. Payment completion.
Figure 12. Thank You Page.
Figure 12. Thank You Page.

After completing your payment, you will receive a confirmation email from PayPal, as shown in Figure 13. This email will be used as a substitution of receipt.

Figure 13. Payment Confirmation from PayPal.
Figure 13. Payment Confirmation from PayPal.

Also, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration as shown in Figure 14. Your confirmation email may be judged as spam email. Please check also your spam email folder.


  • Updating your registration information: click “Edit Submission” in the email to change any of your registration information except your payment information.
  • お支払い以外のご登録内容を修正する場合は,自動返信メール中の"Edit Submission"をクリックして,修正してください.新規に登録をしないでください.
  • 参加登録の取り消し,ご返金につきましては,MTMS '24事務局までメールにてお知らせください.
  • MTMS '24事務局 E-mail: at ("at" を "@" に変更してください)
Figure 14. Confirmation email from PayPal.
Figure 14. Confirmation email from PayPal.